

Pavel Trvaj

Ing. Pavel Trvaj - QESTR - provides consulting and advisory activities in the implementation of management systems according to ISO and OHSAS standards. He also offer educational activities in the field of process, system engineering, ISO standards, safety regulations and the implementation of mandatory statutory health and safety training.


ConsultantĀ“s responsibility

It might seem the consultant bears responsibility for nothing, just talking to the client. What a beautiful business it would be  -  costs next to nothing, just a lap-top computer, a phone, the Internet and a car. The responsibility in the consulting business is, in fact, defined as a very thin line between what the client has not disclosed or has concealed and what the consultant has...

Consultancy business has changed

The business world of today can no longer afford to get a mere piece of advice, a recommendation or a report from the consultant orthe consulting company, just to implement everything else themselves as their respective situation requires. What entrepreneurs need is to have their problems solved in those areas that are out of their professional expertise. 

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