

Take the route of your own style

Everybody has their own individual style that reflects his or her thoughts and, therefore, future success in life, too. In life we can make a choice whether we intend to follow the route of our own style or the one of fear and hypocrisy.   Following our own style opens up possibilities of further development.   We are who we are.  It is only that at times we do...

External communication and personal mission

The right external communication, a uniform corporate style, etc. do bear fruit. If the company has not set its corporate culture well, including positive internal values, it will - sooner or later - hit its ceiling. The fundamental policy is always laid down at the top positions.  If the oragnization´s founder considers manipulation, coercion, misinformation as being the norm, then,...

External communication creates the picture of your company in the eye of the general public and the media

Writing a press release is pretty simple,“ we can frequently be hearing from all sides. „Annie from the accounting department or Mr.Olive, the deputy director from the economic department, have been writing our press releases for years,“ we are offered further explanation. To our question whether they find their press releases in the newspapers, at least now and then, we invariably...

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