

Pavel Trvaj

Ing. Pavel Trvaj - QESTR - provides consulting and advisory activities in the implementation of management systems according to ISO and OHSAS standards. He also offer educational activities in the field of process, system engineering, ISO standards, safety regulations and the implementation of mandatory statutory health and safety training.


Quick changes professionally - REAL | INTERIM MANAGEMENT

The basis of management is the experience and knowledge that the company needs for effective changes and company development. Finding a suitable manager is very expensive and you may not need it forever. How about having a manager just for a limited time (3-6 months), who has a network of specialised advisors.

The sorcerers within – bullying among children

We all acknowledge destroying the work of others is not acceptable. Yet we do it as bits of destructive and aggressive behaviour can show up within us. Can it be prevented? How do children perceive that? For even them commit bullying which can grow into much more serious deliquency later in life.

Weird logic or going for the second-hand stuff

A lack of reason and, in particular, responsibility in defining the criteria for selection procedures to educate an organization´s staff has lately become „commonplace“ in the sphere of education and, unfortunately, not only there. Ever more frequently, we have seen the price becoming the one and only performance criterion. 

Consultancy: how to proceed in order to avoid a mere costly patter

Consultancy in various branches of business provided for entrepreneurs and managers may initially look like an easy way of making money. No need for any infrastructure, there is just the consultant talking to the client. After that you see the consultant billing the client an exorbitant sum without bearing any responsibility whatsoever. A high-quality consultancy looks different, though.

Consultant´s responsibility

It might seem the consultant bears responsibility for nothing, just talking to the client. What a beautiful business it would be  -  costs next to nothing, just a lap-top computer, a phone, the Internet and a car. The responsibility in the consulting business is, in fact, defined as a very thin line between what the client has not disclosed or has concealed and what the consultant has...

The ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System

The ISO 9001:2000 standard defines the requirements on the quality management system. It is this very standard that directs certifications of quality systems. The fundamental benefit of this standard is its process-orientated approach.  

Consultancy business has changed

The business world of today can no longer afford to get a mere piece of advice, a recommendation or a report from the consultant orthe consulting company, just to implement everything else themselves as their respective situation requires. What entrepreneurs need is to have their problems solved in those areas that are out of their professional expertise. 

Which disputes are fit to be settled through mediation

It is never late to begin searching for the solution to a problem or the settlement of a dispute. All it takes is a bit of good will and, for instance, inviting a mediator. Further in this paragraph, you will learn the kinds of disputes that a mediator can settle, and where mediation is put to work most frequently.

Lean Six Sigma – 12 queries and replies

An ever-increasing pressure on efficiency and quality, a need to expedite deliveries to customers demands that all the instruments available be utilized. The LEAN Six Sigma is one such useful and efficient tool.

How a mediator works

Helping to settle other people´s disputes is a no simple task. The disputing parties themselves do not know how to proceed further. A mediator, however, must know how to cope and help those parties in finding new alternative solutions.

Analysis of competitive threats and pressures on the market

Today even smaller companies are able to knoc out much bigger firms which often boast of their renown. Everything depends on the distribution of power within a particular market segment, and, also, on how familiar they are to managers.

Agreement possible? Yes – in two cases out of three!

A cardinal argument for mediation is the number of disputes this intelligent mode of discussing conflicts has lately helped to resolve abroad.

On the art of (not) wasting big money

A small entrepreneur or tradesman who has invested into costly capacity equipment and is launching new production has to think another way than a big corporation. They would like to inform potential customers about their crispy rolls and beautiful family houses, however, being involved in debt, they cannot even afford to knock on the door of a big agency.

Intuition in life and management

Personal accountability has the greatest value for cooperation and partnership. People set their own names as a guarantee of their pledges and acts. For this the only thing they need is sufficient practical knowledge and to really do whatever they promise to the other party. This is the condition necessary for mutual cooperation; but it does not suffice for the development of a company or corporation....



To evoke changes in the communication of  IT staff and improve their communication with the users and staff of the company. 

Internal auditor training

Preparation of internal auditors and audit capabilities enhance the benefit of company while creating good relationships. To set Audit as a tool for the development of the company.


Lecturer, trainer

Lecturer (trainer) - is an expert who is able to teach specific skills, to train, educate other people and bring them to new knowledges, experiences or skills.


The workshop is team-teaching method designed to address specific cases or teach or practice of pre-defined procedures. Workshop moderator manages and together with the team leader defines the case or problem for workshop (possible solutions). Accordingly that, he prepares the workshop program and suitable methods for solving the case.

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